Friday 16 December 2011

huhuhu..i'm disappointed with my carry marks..maybe i deserve it...anyway..Alhamdulillah, i think Allah want to show me that maybe what I've been doing all this time is wrong and it shows to me that i need to improve and change a lot of things for my next semester..

Thursday 15 December 2011

i tried my best.. i gave my all..sometimes mybest wasn't good enough..
for you.. sometimes i let you go,sometimes i hurt you so.. i know that i can be the meanest person in da world.. pardon me too..

a wise man sat in the audience a cracked a joke. everybody laugh like crazy. after a moment he cracked the same joke and less people laugh. and he cracked the same joke again and again and this time no one laugh at all.


You can't laugh at the same joke again and again, but why you keep crying for the same thing over and over again? :)

Tuesday 13 December 2011


Dear University Students, 
I really think its about time to stop using pooh-or-anything-cartoon-ish as the background for your presentation slides.
student who can hardly read what you presented. =)